
What I did this weekend

Spray-paint on cardboard from Target. A respirator. I'm sick of fumes but too cheap to buy one.

Spray-paint on old-sweatshirt.

Why the negative space? Because they're EXTINCT. Think about it.

AND got a bookcase for all my bookses! Hurrah! And then I sprayed on the dwarf-size revolver ocelot (or at least a piece of it):

Oh, and cursed at a loved one. Drama.

(OH! And fallout 3 releases tomorrow. Duh!)


Methuselah said...

1) Sweet respirator. You should get one.
2) You need the quote for your sweatshirt. "All my friends are dead". Come on.
3) Niccceeee....
4) I hope that loved one wasn't me.

Gerontion said...

I was thinking of putting "man-moth" on there actually. I just need a sweet font.