
A brand new crew keychain

So there hasn't much activity here. I apologize for that.

I'm now writing for a culture and music site called:

Some American

It's a cool place. I have two columns: One titled "the worst book ever" and another titled "recyclopedia." I'm sort of the 'look inside yourself and think deep thoughts while pondering your belly-button' contributor. We make no money from this - there are no advertisements. This is just for our fun and your edification. LEARN THIS SHIT.

Seriously though. Tell your friends. It's totally awesome.


the things i get paid for

Hey all!

Guess where I am?

Dengfeng, China.

It's pretty much nowhere, China. Except for:


And the Kung Fu schools. One of which I am at.
Two weeks, expenses paid trip to China to learn kung fu.

Yes infuckingdeed, you will be a wizard!

I'll be back in the states in January, with new stuff!



So I got bored one...week. And did these self-portraits:


Quack! Quack! Quack!

So somebody put up a "Decoy" tag on a dumpster near my home. It looks like it was done by a badass teenager. And how dare he/she tag it! That is MINE!

My return volley:

I love the placement here, if I say so myself. Who's the decoy now?

Ducks fly together!

(But this DECOY had better not take credit - which is why I've put MM on the wing)


Gotta catch 'em all!

Our fearless hero the bomb squad man returns! But he can't seem to keep all those pesky bobombs close enough to disarm - they keep running away!

the cake is mine too. but you already knew that.




Finally got outside!

A portrait by the Peaceful Emperor:

by Marcos Polos:

by ME:
[note the actual size! stencil. and the MM stencil. Mao is wheatpasted.]

And there she is! In her own little green playhouse!
She looked out the window. The rain had stopped but she would still get wet from the shaking trees. She wondered where her galoshes were - had he put them in the closet for her?


Never gunna give you up!

A whole new way to rickroll!